New Year, New You!
The New Year is often an inspiring time to create a ‘better’ or ‘healthier’ version of yourself. It is an opportunity to embark on the next 12 months with a clean slate and some New Year’s resolutions. The only problem is that it can be hard to stick with these resolutions, either because they’re unrealistic or you don’t have the motivation & accountability to follow through with them. In fact, research shows that 80% of people fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions for more than 6-weeks!

That is why Key Nutrition is offering an 8-week nutrition program that will help you beat the odds, curate realistic goals, and commit to your resolutions this year.
What is the program?
An 8-week group nutrition education program led by Registered Dietitians. It is intended to teach valuable skills that may help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight going into the New Year. It involves weekly in-person meetings with taste-testings, give-aways, and educational resources. There is also an online platform available to communicate with your Registered Dietitians & group members at any point during the program. Each week has a specific theme & participants will receive personalized goals, challenges, recipes, and educational material related to the theme. Let us help you stick to your resolutions & believe in yourself this New Year!
When is it?
Monday, JANUARY 6th, 2020 – Friday, FEBRUARY 28th, 2020
- Weekly meeting times TBD
Where is it?
- Online (details & access provided after registration)
- In-person (1x/week) @ the Key Nutrition office (200 W Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA)
Why should I participate in this program?
Because you’ll receive:
- Multiple healthy, easy-to-make recipes
- Opportunities to taste-test a variety of recipes/products
- Nutrition-related giveaways
- Weekly personalized goals & challenges
- Nutrition education & handouts created by credentialed, licensed Registered Dietitians
- Accountability & encouragement
- Evidence-based answers to any and all nutrition questions through our online platform
- Life-long healthy nutrition habits

What are the themes/topics?
- Purge Your Pantry
- How to Hydrate
- Know Your Macros
- Portion Control
- Learn Your Labels
- Filling Food Pairings
- Mindful Eating 101
- Simple Substitutions
What is the commitment?
- 8 weeks of participation
- In-person meetings 1x/week
- Weekly weigh-ins
- A one-time fee
- Early bird sign-up: $279 (<$35/week)
- After Dec. 23rd: $320 ($40/week)
How to SIGN UP:
*Limited Space (Certain restrictions apply)
Let’s start 2020 with a healthier, more motivated version of you this year!
Author: Sarah Riley, MS, RD, LDN